Vieux-Port Maresille vu du haut de la Grande Roue

Access & transports in Marseille

Find all means of transportation for your customers

Here you will find all the contacts for transports in Marseille according to your different groups and clients: coaches, taxis, luxury drivers, buses, mini-vans, boats, bicycles, segways, electric scooters… Our service providers meet all your needs!

Moving around in Marseille 

Marseille is easy to discover by public transport, bicycle or by car. The city also benefits from 2 metro lines and 3 tramway lines, 1,000 bicycles spread over 130 stations, 88 bus lines and 15 car parks with almost 10,000 parking spaces. From spring to autumn, two maritime shuttles operate the Vieux-Port/Pointe-Rouge and Vieux-Port/Estaque connections.

The ferry boat, dear to Marcel Pagnol’s heart, sails back and forth between the Town Hall and the Place aux Huiles square to cross the Old Port.

Marseille Provence Airport (MRS)

20 daily Paris/Marseille connections (flight time: 1h15)

40 regular low-cost destinations in France, Europe and Morocco

8 long-distance destinations to Canada, the Middle East, the Indian Ocean and Africa.

The airport’s 2 terminals welcome more than 9 million passengers every year.

Terminal 1 – This premium terminal dedicated to traditional airlines offers a high level of service: VIP reception, lounges, ticket cutters, services adapted to groups, etc.).

Terminal 2 – Europe’s first low-cost terminal dedicated to low cost flights only

Connections between the airport and downtown Marseille (30km)

> By airport shuttles (every 15 minutes from 4.30am to 00.10am)

> By TER (more than 60 trains/day)

> By renting a car  (the airport has 8 hire companies)

> By taxi, 86 vehicles are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week

The motorway network

3 motorways linking Spain, Italy and Northern Europe intersect in Marseille, offering ideal proximity to some of the region’s key destinations:

> 1 hour to reach the Camargue or Avignon

> 1h30 to party in Saint-Tropez

> 2 hours to enjoy the French Riviera

> 2h30 to descend the slopes of the first ski resorts


The railway network

Marseille is located in :

1h40 away from Lyon, 3h away from Paris (17 TGV trains per day), 3h30 away from Geneva, 5h30 away from Brussels, 6h30 away from London with the Eurostar, 7h30 away from Milan, and 8h away from Frankfurt …

Marseille main train station is located in the city centre.
