Balladins Marseille-Provence

  • Hotel - restaurant
Rue Blaise Pascal CD 20 Z.I. de Couperigne 13127 Vitrolles
Greet Hotel Marseille Provence Aéroport is a "Clef verte" accredited establishment with an outdoor swimming pool and restaurant.

Accessible for disabled

  • Ils s'engagent
    Marseille Durable
    New to Provence? Opt for simplicity! Practical, modern and comfortable, the Hotel Greet offers you a colorful stopover close to Marseille international airport. In addition to the advantage of a strategic location at the heart of all major routes, you'll have the assurance of being welcomed in an eco-labeled accommodation, i.e. one that is aware of environmental issues and committed to a program of concrete actions. After all, eco-friendly tourism is not the exclusive preserve of natural areas. In this zone of intense activity, the establishment strives to reduce the impact of its activity, to control its energy consumption, to select its products and to preserve a quality living environment to pamper its guests.


2 Room service (24 hours)


Car park
Bar / Refreshment bar
Swimming pool
Air conditioning
  • Amenities
  • Shower

  • Television

  • Sound-proofed accommodation

  • Equipment
  • Private parking

  • Garden

  • Restaurant

  • Coach parking

  • Car park

  • Bar

  • Terrace

  • Open air swimming pool

  • Swimming pool

  • Air conditioned restaurant

  • Air conditioning

  • Services
  • Wi-fi

  • Conciergerie

Quality standards

La Clef VerteLa Clef Verte
Bons CAFBons CAF


101 Person(s)
47 Bedroom(s)


All year 2024 Open everyday


Balladins Marseille-Provence
Rue Blaise Pascal CD 20 Z.I. de Couperigne 13127 Vitrolles
Contact Balladins Marseille-Provence
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Spoken languages

  • German
  • English
  • Arabic


  • Airport within 5 km
  • Close to a motorway
  • Town location
  • Station district
  • Close to a public transportation
  • In an industrial/commercial area
Updated on 29 February 2024 at 15:49
by Provence Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 5217668)
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