Alcazar Library BMVR

  • Cultural
  • Library - media library
58 Cours Belsunce 13001 Marseille 1er
The Bibliothèque de Marseille à Vocation Régionale (Marseille Regional Library) aims to promote access to the written word, images, sound and information and communication technologies for the general public.
As of Wednesday, May 19, 2021, Marseille's libraries will continue to welcome you but will adapt to the new sanitary measures related to Covid-19 and will try to meet your expectations and needs as much as possible.


- Wearing a mask is mandatory for children over 11 years old,

- Disabled persons may be exempted from wearing a mask upon presentation of a medical certificate,

- Hand washing with hydroalcoholic gel is mandatory and is available to users,



Wine growing
Personal development
Stamp collecting
  • Activities
  • Discovery

  • Wine growing

  • Agricultural

  • Bee-keeping

  • Personal development

  • Industry

  • Computer

  • Genealogy

  • History

  • Stamp collecting

  • Astrology

  • Psychology

  • Virtual reality

  • Health

  • First Aid

  • Technology/Electronics

  • Board games

  • Sculpture

  • Crafts

  • Arts

  • Paintings graphic arts

  • Pottery

  • Binding and frames

  • Silk-screen printing

  • Scrapbooking

  • Weaving

  • needlework

  • Wood work

  • Religion

  • Spiritual retreats

  • Tradition/folklore

  • Gastronomy

  • Oenology, study of wines

  • Regional products

  • Plastic arts

  • Jewellery

  • Silk painting

  • Basketry

  • Restaurants and wines

  • Botanical

  • Water

  • Environment

  • Fauna - flora

  • Gardening

  • Architecture

  • Astronomy

  • Restoration sites

  • Floral art

  • Glassware

  • entertainment

  • Mechanical arts

  • Singing and choir

  • Cinema

  • Circus

  • Litterature

  • Magic

  • Instrumental music

  • Photography

  • Theatre

  • Audiovisual/media

  • Language courses

  • Graphology

  • Calligraphy

  • Ceramics

  • Cosmetics

  • Iron work

  • Engraving

  • Creative hobbies

  • Fine leather goods

  • Aeronautical

  • Archeological digs

  • Geology

Quality standards

Tourisme et handicapTourisme et handicap

Tourism and handicap

Marque Tourisme et Handicap - déficience auditiveMarque Tourisme et Handicap - déficience auditive
Marque Tourisme et Handicap - déficience mentaleMarque Tourisme et Handicap - déficience mentale
Marque Tourisme et Handicap - déficience motriceMarque Tourisme et Handicap - déficience motrice


All year 2024 Closed on monday, on sunday


Alcazar Library BMVR
58 Cours Belsunce 13001 Marseille 1er
Contact Alcazar Library BMVR
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Updated on 22 July 2024 at 14:33
by Ville de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 5488780)
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