
Which calanques to discover?

in Marseille

There are many calanques (creeks) in Marseille and it is sometimes difficult to find the one for you, especially if you don’t have much time! Find here the list of creeks to visit in Marseille and choose yours!


The most beautiful calanques of Marseille

If you are visiting the south of France, we recommend that you discover the Calanques of Marseille and Cassis which are part of the region’s natural heritage. These preserved natural areas are all located in the heart of the Calanques National Park, which extends over some twenty kilometres. Made up of creeks and coves, they can be visited on foot or by boat.

Between tranquillity, calm and meditation, the Calanques are among the places of authentic and singular beauty to be visited without moderation during your stay. To save you hours of searching for the most beautiful calanque to see first, we will guide you to the one that meets your expectations.

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The creeks of the Côte Bleue

The creeks of the Côte Bleue have nothing but envy for the creeks of the National Park. Although very different, they have an undeniable charm: small fishing port, turquoise water and steep trails… direction the east coast of Marseille!

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The Calanques National Park

The Calanques National Park has been listed since 2012. It is the 10th french national park, and the first national park in Europe to be land, sea, island and peri-urban. Between Marseille and La Ciotat, this grandiose site with a delicate balance is composed of 5,000 hectares of majestic landscapes and 20 km of coastline at the gates of the second largest city in France.

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