Albaron Saliers

The Albaron marsh in Saliers by bike

Sport, Cycling sports, Cycle tourism route in Arles
32.2 km
  • A circuit in the heart of the villages and hamlets of Camargue, close to one of the last marshy islets located in agricultural zone.

  • From the place of the primary school of Albaron, go to the right on the D37 for 1 km, towards Saliers. Turn left towards the Maison du riz and Mas de la Vigne on the Figares road for 9 km. 1 - At the junction of the D572, turn left towards the bridge then cross the Petit Rhône. Enter the Gard department. Continue for 400 m. Turn right towards the D179 towards Fourques. Cross the railway and then take the path on the left. Continue for 1.5 km and cross the canal. Recover avenue Emile Cazelles...
    From the place of the primary school of Albaron, go to the right on the D37 for 1 km, towards Saliers. Turn left towards the Maison du riz and Mas de la Vigne on the Figares road for 9 km. 1 - At the junction of the D572, turn left towards the bridge then cross the Petit Rhône. Enter the Gard department. Continue for 400 m. Turn right towards the D179 towards Fourques. Cross the railway and then take the path on the left. Continue for 1.5 km and cross the canal. Recover avenue Emile Cazelles right, pass the bullring of Saint-Gilles. 2 - At the intersection with Chanzy Boulevard, turn left. Cross the Canal du Rhône at Sète. Continue on the D6572, the road of Arles on 1.5 km. Cross the Petit Rhône again. Leave on the left the Hotel de Cabanettes then turn to the right on the D37 towards Saliers and Albaron then continue for 1 km. 3 - After the Saliérène manade, take the road on the left. Pass through the Saliers hamlet and turn left after the church. Retrieve the D37 on the right, then join point 1. In point 1, join the start of the ride by the same route taken one way.

    Difficulté = Very easy

  • Departure
  • Departure : Primary School, Albaron.
    Arrival : Albaron.
    15 km south-west of Arles, by the D570.
    Parking : Ecole primaire, Albaron.
    Envia transport network : Line 20 > Arles/Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer by Albaron (free bikes racks) >>;
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)