12 october > 19 october

16th edition of Pop Philosophy Week: art for all: the great illusion?

  • Cultural
  • Conference
  • Human and social sciences
La Criée - Théâtre National de Marseille 30 quai de Rive Neuve 13007 Marseille 7ème
The Pop Philosophie festival in Marseille brings together philosophy, sociology, economics, neuroscience, geography, anthropology, biology, art and music.
This 16th season of Pop Philosophy Week will be an opportunity to reflect, with personalities from the intellectual and political world, on the notion of "Art for All_" and the role of the world of culture in terms of emancipating audiences, in order to imagine other possibilities. The challenge of this season is to move away from illusion and belief, and embark on an enlightened reflection based on the successes and failures of this beautiful dream.
Has "Art for All" become an empty...


From 12 October 2024 to 19 October 2024

Full price
From 5€ to 10€

Opening times

From 12 October 2024 until 19 October 2024 Open everyday


16th edition of Pop Philosophy Week: art for all: the great illusion?
La Criée - Théâtre National de Marseille 30 quai de Rive Neuve 13007 Marseille 7ème
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  • www.semainedelapopphilosophie.fr
Updated on 16 September 2024 at 14:38
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 5620601)
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