Visite Min, Marché ©joomtcmvisite-min-arnavaux-joomtcm-19.mp4
Living a unique experience in ' the belly of Marseille'

M.I.N : National interest Market of Marseille

Discover the backstages of the National interest market in the Arnavaux district in Marseille.  Immerse yourself into fresh  food and meet local producer  and wholesalers who want to  share  their passion.

Published on 31 March 2023
Jade Orengo
  • Marseille in 3 words

    Wonderful, diverse, native.

  • My favourite neighbourhood

    Les Goudes, and its quiet side (in the off-season) for sipping a drink and having an aperitif facing the sunset.

Discovery of the “belly of Marseille”

Living the  experience of the  history of the MIN

It is 4.40 am when I passed  by the great  barriers which allow us to access this  place where I have never  been. Yet I  have often passed  by with  my  car. I am  welcomed by the  guide, Philippe as the others attendees and invite us to park our  car in a car-park closer to  the entrance. It is dark but there is already  a lot  of  activity  here !

Once the  group has been  formed, we  can start the  visit. Philippe starts explaining to  us how the market was created, celebrating its  50 years in  2022. Previously, it  used to  take  place in Cours julien,today, there is  only  the producers  market left. In 1972, it  moved in order to make the supply  of  goods easier: it has become one of the  greatest enomic  and logistical point of the  region !

Local products

We start our tour the discovery of the  producers area which is the  biggest area deducated to  local  farmers  in France! agriculture is  not  the main  asset if  you  compare  to the indefinable  Rungis. The farmers  of the region and  neighbourhood area, offer their  fresh  food  to restaurants owners, groceries and any  others catering  trade.

Settled down from 2 am this morning, it is  already time for  them to pack  up  their stalls and to  leave to go to the markets  or take care of their harvests !

A product that  catches my eye : the Marseille salad…You  heard me right ! Lionel explained to us it has  been harvested by  his  family in the  14 th district of Marseille.

Pumkins, turnips, aubergines…  Colours are gorgeous and are  probably even more amazing in the  beginning of  the  summer !

…and the whole  world

Then we are  heading to the wholesalers  area who  try to hunt  the best vegetables and  fruits. For  example, that’s exactly  Samy’s case, commercial manager of Primavera Frutta , he make us try the “citron caviar” ‘ caviar lemon’which has a huge interest for the chefs  of the  great tables of Marseille.

Pomegranates, apples, mandarins, mangoes… My appetite is whetted by the sight of  all these magnificent  fruit and vegetables stalls.


Good to know

At the moment, Buying fresh products in the MIN is forbidden for  individuals since it is  only for purchase  in bulk. However to reply in a  high  volume of requests, the MIN is  going to prepare some vegetables and fruits  baskets dedicated to individual and depending on incomings and  seasons.

Meeting and sharing

A Friendly moment

After a pleasant  moment shared  with  the  producers and  wholesalers who  are happy  to teach us more  about  their daily  life. We are setting  up  to the Cressonière brasserie. Here, every  morning workers  of the market  gather together in order to  share a croissant or café, or  even a more susbstancial  dish such as  a good ‘tartiflette’!

Nous partageons alors nous aussi un petit déjeuner (très) matinal, mais surtout convivial et chaleureux, afin de repartir de plus belle à la découverte de ce marché surprenant.

We also  share a early morning  breakfast, but above all convivial and warm

Learning  about the  different jobs in the  market

The  guide take us to the 2 unusual places.Our first stop : ” Marseille cheeses”, a giant  massive fridge full of cheese and others  local dairies. It is a  pity that  we  cannot bring  back  some pieces. ‘ Truffle  brie’ is tempting me for the Christmas  holidays !

After smelling so many  different scents, heading to the ‘cavendish banana murisserie’  we are welcomed  by Jean-Pierre. He  explains to us the  different steps  of the ripening  of the  fruit mainly from the ‘Cote d’ivoire’. Also, smells are here too especially when  he opens the  room where magic happens..But I can’t tell you  more, feel  free to  discover  this bouquet of scents and colours by yourself…


Official website of the Tourist Office of Marseille